Looking for a Specific Kind of Job?
*Blogger, etc.

Get Paid to Write a Blog About Trip Planning and Traveling

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(My Vegas Vacation - Don't let the smile fool you!)

Attention Bloggers! I got tipped off to an incredible opportunity that I know many of you are going to absolutely L-O-V-E! This is not only a wonderful way to make money but also a great way to get more traffic to your blog!

Have you every planned a vacation that turned out to be a flop? I have to admit, this has happened not only once, but twice for me! The first time, my husband and I went to Las Vegas and the hotel we stayed at was terrible – horrible food (that literally made us ill!), awful customer service, and more. Let me tell you how bad this hotel was; not only did they deny us from using the online printable coupons that THEIR WEBSITE offered, but we didn’t even get the suite I paid for! Instead they placed us in a normal room and tried to tell us it WAS the suite. Then, when I happened to have the photos from the internet with me of the real suites they decided to leave us in the normal room and keep our money but give us “complimentary buffet” passes. And from that point on, the trip got worse and worse, all due to our hotel. Now, being the researcher I am, you know I spent lots of time looking for an affordable hotel that was also a good hotel, but when you look online 99% of the time all you read is how great every hotel is.
TripWiser.com is a 100% FREE website that allows everyday people to get the REAL deal about everything trip related. Find out what the hotels and vacation packages are really like before you take them! Imagine the time and frustration you can save by using TripWiser! TripWiser features honest reviews written by people like you and I who have been to these places.
Here’s where the money making opportunity comes in. TripWiser is always seeking people to help build their site by sharing true stories about their vacations. What I absolutely love about TripWiser is that they ask you to tell the truth about your hotel experiences – good, bad or even ugly. They are a company based on providing users with the complete experience as told by others.

Before I tell you about the financially rewarding aspect of working with TripWiser, let me tell you what you need to sign up and how to do it.

1. First, you need a travel related blog. If you don’t have one all ready, you can create one. Use travel related words when naming your blog. Some examples they give on their site are: “AlabamaTripIdeas, AlaskaTripExperiences, The DiaperJournal, AlabaMama” etc.

2. Trip Wiser wants to find authors who write in a manner that is well excepted by others and memorable. You don’t have to have won any writing awards to participate, but you’re writing should stand out.

3. Going along with #2, TripWiser is looking for bloggers who love to write and not just for the money. If you can’t think of anything good to say then they ask that you pass on this opportunity. But if you are genuinely interested in making money and you have stories to share, then bring ‘em on!

4. Your blog must have a minimum of 3 posts per week AND a maximum of 1 post per day! In addition, all entries must be at least 100 words! (If you’re not familiar with word count, this is generally about 1 paragraph…not hard to do.)

5. No offensive blogs, please. For anyone who is questioning if their blog is “offensive” – if your blog has pot leaf wall paper, photos of naked girls or banners that say “I’m drunk on every day that ends in Y”, this is offensive. Don’t bother applying. ALSO, as a TripWiser blogger, you are expected to avoid offensive topics in your postings, so leave out any info about such as drug and alcohol abuse, profanity, gambling, pornography, and extramarital sex, etc.

6. You have to sign a waiver just incase TripWiser wants to reuse your content.

Lets say you feel you meet the above criteria, then this may be the job for you! Here’s the good part – the pay!

When you create a post on your blog all you need to do in order to qualify for payment is to link your posting to tripwiser. You can link to their trips, activities, attractions, hotels or anything else you find on their site.

For the first 60 days you post you will be on a probationary period and make $3 for every completed posting! That means you have potential to earn almost $100 extra a month, during the probationary period!

Once you have successfully completed your 60 days, your pay will be raised to $4 per posting! This will give you $120 every single month for simply posting about trips and inserting a single link! If you ask me this is a wonderful opportunity for people who are looking for extra money. The best part is that you will get paid to have your own blog. You can write about anything trip related and make money from it.

If this sounds like a great opportunity to you and you currently do not have a travel related blog, there’s a great list on the TripWiser website that I have copied below to give you some ideas.

 Kids friendly restaurants by city or state
 Festivals and family oriented events
 RV trips and recommended camps
 Warm retirement destinations
 Things to do in Chicago, Miami, etc.
 Kid friendly vacation sites
 Valentine-day activities
 Babies, kids, teenagers, toddlers trip ideas
 Funny travel stories with pictures
 Educational articles
 Pet friendly hotels in California, New York, etc.
 Off the beaten path with young kids

If you love what you have read and you feel you’re ready to apply to become a TripWiser blogger and write about travel experiences, then here’s how to get started:

1. Register as a user on TripWiser.com, check out the site. It’s important that you get a feel for what they are looking for before you apply.

2. Send them a sample of your writing and a link to your blog.

3. Tells them about the blog topics you would like to run for TripWiser (select an interesting angle)

4. Tells TripWiser about yourself. THEY DON’T WANT RESUMES! They want you to be a real person and go the extra mile to share some real information about your life.

5. Once you have all the above info together send it off in an email to bloggers@tripwiser.com and check out BlogWiser!

Best of Luck!

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